Tuesday, 26 March 2013

Hello my new blog! To all the people out there reading this, or not as the case may be, welcome to my blog. I will regularly post new items that i have purchased/made. I'll give reviews on them too. I love buying from little Facebook businesses! If you didn't know about these businesses, I'll be introducing you to some amazing ones! If i have made some items, then we'll have some fun step by step instructions for this! And don't worry, it's all vintage/vintage style things!! For now, I'll leave you with this beauty i took the other day.

Korin <3


  1. Heyy! Can't wait to start reading your blog. Add Google friend connect or Bloglovin so I can follow you :)

    Rach x

  2. When i figure out how to do it, i will(:

    Korin <3

  3. good luck with your transformation!!


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I read and appreciate them all!
Korin <3